domingo, 12 de setembro de 2010

Victor Turner e a Modernidade?

"It would seem that with industrialization, urbanization, spreading
literacy, labor migration, specialization, professionalization, bureau-
cracy, the division of the leisure sphere from the work sphere, the
former integrity of the orchestrated religious gestalt that once con-
stituted ritual has burst open and many specialized performative genres
have been born from the death of that mighty opus deorum hominumque.
These genres of industrial leisure would include theater, ballet, opera,
film, the novel, printed poetry, the art exhibition, classical music, rock
music, carnivals, processions, folk drama, major sports events, and doz-
ens more. Disintegration has been accompanied by secularization. Tra-
ditional religions, their rituals denuded of much of their former sym-
bolic wealth and meaning, hence their transformative capacity, persist in
the leisure sphere but have not adapted well to modernity. Modernity
means the exaltation of the indicative mood; but in what Ihab Hassan
has called the "postmodern turn" we may be seeing a re-turn to sub-
junctivity and a rediscovery of cultural transformative modes, particu-
larly in some forms of theater." (TURNER, "Social Dramas and Stories about them" In Critical Inquiry, 1980, p. 166)

"Religion, like art, lives insofar as it is performed, that is, insofar as its
rituals are "going concerns." If you wish to spay or geld religion, first
remove its rituals, its generative and regenerative processes. For religion
is not a cognitive system, a set of dogmas, alone; it is meaningful experi-
ence and experienced meaning. In ritual one lives through events or
through the alchemy of its framings and symbolings; one relives
semiogenetic events, the deeds and words of prophets and saints or, if
these are absent, myths and sacred epics."(TURNER, "Social Dramas and Stories about them" In Critical Inquiry, 1980, p. 167)

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